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Do you have 2020 vision on your 2030 talent?

The end of a decade is not just about looking back on past success/failures, but how we approach the new one.

What does the board who lead you into the 2030’s look like? I hope it's a different shape from the current one. The voices of 2019 are demanding a culturally balanced workforce, more reflective of our brilliantly diverse & talented population.

Here at TalentWorks, we’ve always believed the businesses most likely to sustain economic team value are the ones who source the very best entry-level talent, successfully integrate & grow with the team. How can you expect to build without a solid foundation?

The UK is widely recognised as WORLD leaders in the art of communication, but if your talent & board still look the same in 2029, you will be left behind by your competitors who do invest in talent. I was looking at a company website yesterday, and the senior management page is embarrassing. All white, dark-suit-wearing-bald-men........How dare you bang the D&I drum, when your board looks like that!!

There is no overnight fix, no magic potion. We all know we must adapt & transform to even stand still, but you must re-imagine your business from the ground up, and the start of a new decade is a wonderful time to start.

The next generation of leaders are here now, and your job is to ensure their different set of challenges are met.

Start planning for the board of 2030 now, bring new talent to the table, before you get caught napping.

The world is changing.....keep up.


Sourcing & developing talent is at the very heart of what we do. Because sometimes you need a bit of support to get the wheels turning.

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