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I finally understand my wife.....there I said it.

Remember those first few exciting dates? The first weeks in a new role? Remember the person who believed in you enough to introduce you to their parents or travelled 4 hours on a train just for a date? Believed in you enough to pay the salary you were asking for?

Remember a time when anything was possible, when obstacles turned into challenges, and the feeling you had inside was of confidence, not arrogance, CONFIDENCE. Other people valued you for who you are. It's human nature, I don't care how old you are, I don't care what your financial or professional status is. Feeling valued is one of the most powerful emotions us humans have.

How do you keep that honeymoon spirit alive? How do you ensure you & your team/spouse value each other? Do you even know enough about yourself to tell someone how to approach/work with you? How on earth do you expect to understand others if you don't understand yourself?

Most of us have done some kind of Psychometric test in our professional life, but all too often the follow-up lacks real tangible advice on how to execute & behave around certain character traits.

Four years ago, I was introduced to Insights and my life changed forever. Instead of the the classic Introvert/Extrovert model, Insights uses a colour wheel. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow. Everyone has all colours within them, but it's the dominance of 1 or 2 that show true character traits.

On a good day your colleagues/spouse will display these types of behaviours. ...

On a good day

...and on a bad day

On a bad day

Not only did I use it in my professional life, I also suggested my wife complete her report too. It turned out she had completely the opposite character traits to me. After 10 years, our marriage is as strong as it was on our honeymoon. Yes, we have disagreements, but the core is solid.

At TalentWorks we use Insights to help teams (especially new or merged) understand individual behaviours and how that impacts colleagues. When you understand others, this automatically minimises conflict and improves communications. Ultimately leading to everyone feeling valued, and best work is produced. Most people generally have a handful of direct colleagues. You don't need to memorise the traits of 100 people, just the people in your direct teams.

Remember when Leicester City won the Premiership? They didn't have the most expensive or best talent by a country mile, but they played to each others strengths over 38 matches, and beat off the financial power of Chelsea, Man City and Co.

If you would like to know more about getting your team working tighter than your competitors, drop me a line.

BTW - If you're interested, I'm dominant red, equal blue/yellow, followed by green.

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