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keep the honeymoon spirit alive.


TAILORED workshops

DESIGNED TO engage & RETAIN YOUR media talent.



ideal for:


new or merged teams


Teams who lack direction, purpose or vision


teams where interpersonal issues are barriers to effectiveness

the process

psychometric reports

each team member receives an insights discovery profile.


Completely personal to their character 

self understanding

discover how your preferences affects the team dynamic

self understanding leads to understanding of others

effective relationships

tailored team workshops to improve communication & minimise conflict

inspires best work

team members feel valued 

ideal working environment

on a good day

on a bad day

Does the team with the best talent ALWAYS win?

Leicester City were famously surprise Premiership football champions in 2016.


Not because they have the best & most expensive players, but because they worked as a team for 38 matches.


Teamwork is critical for success. A valued team member is much more likely to remain with you. 


It's no good motivating a team once, and expect them to maintain quality output forever.


Motivation is much like having a bath. It doesn't last long and that's why we recommend  motivation as a part of everyday life. Small changes in communication can change someones motivation immensely.


We are all brilliantly unique, but too often, if we are deemed different to our peers, we can be viewed as obstructive or not useful to the business. It's quite the opposite.




A classic example of a colour wheel

where a team of blues would view

the red member as "difficult".





​If your team dynamic feels disjointed, and you fear losing your best talent, TalentWorks can help.


Get in touch for a chat >>



Handpick the best entry-level talent for the best media jobs

Develop your talent of today into the leaders of tomorrow.

Keep the honeymoon spirit alive and improve retention.


Thanks for your message. We'll be in touch very soon.

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