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Advancing talent

in media.

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built on 3 key pillars

Hand-pick the best entry-level talent for the best media jobs.

Keep the honeymoon spirit alive and improve retention.

Develop your talent of today into the leaders of tomorrow.

3 Pillars
Why we do what we do...


Having spent almost two decades in media across various parts of the industry, we understand how all sizes of business operate.


And, we know first hand there is room for improvement.  Not only in the way we select young talent, but also how we train, develop and retain our team.


Finding the right talent and giving them the best foundation can often be a lottery. Dependent on being in the right place, at the right time, or knowing the right person.


For our industry to thrive we must find new ways to inspire the next generation of media leaders;


By giving them the best start possible



Enabling talent to create a bigger impact in an ever changing career landscape



And, to identify and seize career defining opportunities


TalentWorks is born from a desire to ensure the best talent finds the best role with the best training.


To advance your talent in media, talk to us today >>


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